Russian intereference in US poll a made up story: Trump

Donald Trump said that the alleged Russian intereference in the US elections is just an "excuse""."
Donald Trump said that the alleged Russian intereference in the US elections is just an "excuse""."
PTI, Washington :
US President Donald Trump has said the allegation made against him that the Russian interference in elections helped him win, is a “made up story” by the Democrats who lost badly last year. In his first sit-down interview after firing FBI Director James Comey, Trump said he had already made up his mind even before he was recommended the same by the US Attorney Jeff Sessions and his Deputy.
“Oh, I was going to fire (James Comey) regardless of recommendation,” President Trump told NBC News in an interview. “He (the Deputy Attorney General) had made a recommendation. But regardless of recommendation, I was going to fire Comey knowing there was no good time to do it,” he said.
“In fact, when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, you know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story. It’s an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should’ve won,” he said.
“The reason they should’ve won it is the electoral college is almost impossible for a Republican to win. It’s very hard because you start off at such a disadvantage. So, everybody was thinking they should’ve won the election. This was an excuse for having lost an election,” President Trump said as he strongly defended himself during the interview.
President Trump said he fired Mr Comey because he wanted somebody who was competent to run the FBI. “I just want somebody that’s competent. I am a big fan of the FBI. I love the FBI,” he said, adding that he wants the investigations to be done properly. “As far as I’m concerned, I want that thing to be absolutely done properly. When I did this now, I said I probably maybe will confuse people. Maybe I’ll expand that. I’ll lengthen the time because it should be over with. In my opinion, should’ve been over with a long time ago because all it is an excuse,” he said.
“But I said to myself I might even lengthen out the investigation. But I have to do the right thing for the American people. He (Comey) is the wrong man for that position,” President Trump said in response to a question.
Donald Trump said Mr Comey asked for a dinner with him because he wanted to stay in this position. “He wanted to have dinner because he wanted to stay on. We had a very nice dinner at the White House…very early on. That dinner was arranged. I think he asked for the dinner. He wanted to stay on as the FBI head. And I said I’ll, you know, consider. We’ll see what happens,” he said.
“But we had a very nice dinner. And at that time, he told you are not under investigation… which I knew anyway,” he said.