Russia welcomes OPEC decision to increase oil production

TASS, Vienna :
Russia welcomes OPEC’s decision to increase oil production by 1 mln barrels per day withing the OPEC+ deal, Russian Minister of Energy Alexander Novak told reporters. “This decision is in line with the proposals that were worked out by the monitoring committee, which corresponds to today’s ideas about what needs to be done on the market.
I think that at this stage 1 mln barrels is reasonable,” he said. He noted that many market participants agree with increasing oil production and within the framework of the forthcoming meeting of OPEC+ there will be many willing
to comment on the recommendation of the monitoring committee to increase oil production by 1 mln barrels per day in the framework of the OPEC + agreement.
“We have a lot of countries, there are many who want to speak, I think,” the Minister said. The OPEC ministers at a meeting on Friday decided to increase oil production within the OPEC+ deal by 1 mln barrels per day.