Russia must be resisted by establishing no-fly zone over Ukraine


Editorial Desk :
Despite President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s repeated calls to enforce a no-fly zone over Ukraine to stop bombing, US President Joe Biden and the Western partners ruled out the idea, fearing that it will escalate this war and make this a US war against Russia – also a nuclear superpower. “It would require essentially the US military shooting down Russian planes, prompting a direct war with Russia – the exact step that the Biden administration wants to avoid.”
The cause of the war against Ukraine is not without the US’s eagerness to make the country a member of NATO and bring it under the European block.
Now they are talking consistently of defending principles of sovereignty and democracy but expects Ukrainians to suffer deaths exodus and destruction alone when the US and its other partners are sitting on the sidelines in the knowledge of isolation of Russia.
Russian President Putin is power mad and living in the past empire building. He wants to conquer lost Soviet empire. The economic sanctions or isolation does not matter to him. He is power. He wants to show his courage or callousness as a super power leader to win the war against Ukraine and he is succeeding so. Putin’s freedom in committing genocide of the Ukrainians and ruthlessly bombing the country in the face of brave resistance against land war heartbreaking and shameful.
Although there appears to be a consensus among American legislators for not enforcing a no-fly zone over Ukraine, some legislators have expressed openness to the idea, arguing the US should not be deterred by Putin’s threats. They believe that failing to do so in fear of Putin simply empowers him even more. Now is the time to put a stop to his barbaric brutality, they said, adding we must keep up the fight against this advancing Hitler figure. If not, the alternative is much worse than making some sacrifices now. For we do not know how far this mad man will try to go. The second World War has taught us that if we do not halt the advance right at the beginning then much more resources and sacrifices will be required to stop him later on.
Meanwhile, a recent opinion poll carried out by an international news agency in the United States found that 74 per cent of respondents supported NATO to impose a no-fly zone over Ukraine.
Nobody in his senses want to see the world embroiled in a nuclear conflagration. That should not mean that Russia will have all the freedom not to fear retaliation from others nuclear powers, including the USA, against invading an independent democratic country exploiting the weakness of western nuclear powers.
Brave Ukrainian President Zelenskyy and the resilience of the Ukrainians have earned great adulation of the world. At the same time, the world is unsure of the USA about its determination and stamina to resist Russia in defence of democracy and human rights anywhere.
The world is not ready to be misled by the hypocrisy of saying that without being in Ukraine territory no-fly zone over the sky of Ukraine cannot be ensured. The Western powers are playing a dangerous game by remaining aloof in the face of Russian threat. The economic sanctions or supplying of ineffective weapons to Ukraine is no real help to stop the spread of Russian war. If Russia can attack an independent country why Russia should not fear retaliation? The West, especially the USA, has to answer this question for the western leadership.
