Russia faces ‘isolation’ over Ukraine: Hague

A Japanese crew prepares to fly from Malaysia to Perth to join the operation.
A Japanese crew prepares to fly from Malaysia to Perth to join the operation.

BBC Online :
William Hague has warned Russia that it faces long-term “isolation and stagnation” over the crisis in Ukraine.
The foreign secretary said it was time to consider a “new state of relations” different to that of the past 20 years.
Writing in the Sunday Telegraph, he said the UK and its European allies would not “run scared”.
His comments came amid continuing tensions, with Russian troops taking control of one of the last big military bases in Crimea from the Ukrainians.
At least one person was injured in the assault on Belbek air base, near Sevastopol, according to reports. It is now said to be under Russian control. The Ukrainian region was formally annexed by Russia on Friday.
Several hundred unarmed protesters seized a Ukrainian naval base at Novofedorivka, western Crimea
Ukraine’s warship Slavutych was seized by Crimean “self-defence” units and Russian troops following a two-hour assault in Sevastopol, a Ukrainian defence spokesman said
 Hague accused Russia of “bullying” behaviour, which belongs to “a wholly different era”.
This could include Russia being outside some international organisations and having less influence over the rest of Europe, he said.
“The illegal annexation of Crimea is an outrageous land grab, and the referendum that preceded it was a mockery of democracy,” wrote Hague.
“Russia has invaded a fellow European nation, and used force to change its borders. “This is the most serious risk to European security we have seen so far in the 21st Century.
“Vital principles are at stake, including the territorial integrity of European nations and the right of democratic countries to choose their own future.”
Russian troops have taken over control of Crimea following last month’s overthrow of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.
The Kremlin said it acted to protect its “compatriots” in Crimea from “fascists” moving in from mainland Ukraine. Kiev denies the claim, accusing Moscow of “blatant lies” to justify the land grab.
Earlier this week, Hague announced the UK was suspending all arms export licences and military co-operation with Moscow after President Vladimir Putin signed a treaty absorbing Crimea into Russia.
Moscow has said it is protecting the rights of Russian-speaking people in Crimea following the change in government in Ukraine last month and after a referendum recorded 96% support for the region to join Russia.
Sanctions on Russia are not intended to punish its people, but send a message to its leaders, Hague said in the Telegraph.
He added that the European Commission was working on more far-reaching economic measures that could be imposed.
 Hague urged Russia to make efforts to resolve the dispute in a peaceful manner, writing: “We have never given up on diplomacy or sought a path of permanent confrontation with Russia.
“But nor should European nations run scared before bullying behaviour.
“Despite our preference and our work to improve relations with Russia this means, sadly, that we and our allies must be prepared to contemplate a new state of relations with Russia that is very different to the last 20 years.
“This would involve Russia being outside some international organisations, facing lasting restrictions on military co-operation and arms sales, and having less influence over the rest of Europe.”
He said that Russia stood to lose “a great deal over time” and that it had badly damaged its reputation as well as alienating “the great majority of Ukrainians”.
This could lead to Russia’s role in world affairs turning to “isolation and stagnation”, the foreign secretary wrote.
