Russia condemns US ‘Iron Curtain’ sanctions

BBC Online :
Russia has condemned new US and EU sanctions that have been imposed over Moscow’s actions in Ukraine.
Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said “Iron Curtain”-style US sanctions could harm its hi-tech sector.
Moscow also said the EU should be ashamed of extending its sanctions and was “under Washington’s thumb”.
Russia repeated it had no intention of invading east Ukraine, where pro-Russia activists have seized buildings in more than a dozen towns.
Ryabkov told the online newspaper that the US sanctions were “a blow to our hi-tech enterprises and industries”. Russia’s claims of an “unprecedented” Nato military build-up on its borders are part of an ongoing information war.
Nato insists its deployments are simply to reassure worried members. Company-size groups of around 150 US paratroopers are being deployed for exercises in Poland and the three Baltic republics. So that’s about 600 men. Around a dozen additional fast jets have been deployed to Poland and to reinforce air patrols in the Baltic air-space.
The three Baltic republics – all Nato members – have no jet fighters of their own. And to cap Nato’s “build-up” a small flotilla of mine-hunters – almost as small a vessel as you can get in naval terms – have been sent to the Baltic Sea.