Rule issued on legality of JU VC appointment

Staff Reporter :
The High Court (HC) on Monday questioned the legality of reappointment of Professor Farzana Islam as Vice-Chancellor of Jahangirnagar University (JU).
The court also issued a rule asking the respondents to explain within a week as to why the reappointment of Professor Farzana Islam should not be declared illegal.
The JU, its Vice-Chancellor and Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Secretary and Deputy Secretary to the Higher Education Division of the Education Ministry, who issued the appointment notification, have been made respondents to the rule.
The Bench of Justice Syed Refaat Ahmed and Justice Md Salim passed the order and issued the rule after hearing a writ petition jointly filed by JU former VC Professor Shariff Enamul Kabir and its Drama Department teacher Professor Lutfar Rahman.
They filed the petition challenging the legality of reappointment of Farzana Islam as VC of the university.
In the petition, they said, according to the JU Act-1973, a three-member VC panel had to be nominated through the vote of its senate members for appointing its VC. But, the Education Ministry appointed her on February 18 without nominating any VC panel. Therefore, her reappointment is illegal.