RU VC faces backlash for chanting ‘Joy Hind’ slogan

Ultimatum for apology expired: VC taken to Edu Ministry for explanation


Staff Reporter :
Rajshahi University (RU) Vice-Chancellor (VC) Professor Dr M Abdus Sobhan is still facing backlash for chanting slogan ‘Joy Hind’ at a programme on the university premises.
He came under sharp criticism after he uttered the slogan ‘Joi Hind’ after saying ‘Joy Bangla, Joy Bangabandhu’ during his speech at an open discussion meeting where more than 200 teachers, researchers and academics of different universities were present.
The University Grants Commission (UGC) Chairman Professor Dr Kazi Shahidullah was present as the chief guest at the programme. The Assistant High Commissioner of India in Rajshahi, Sanjeev Kumar Bhati, was also present while RU pro-VC Professor Dr Ananda Kumar Saha chaired the discussion.
Different quarters and organisations on the campus have issued a 24-hour ultimatum to the VC to apologise for his slogan. Various organisations and noted persons also sent posts condemning the VC’s comment on their respective Facebook wall.
The university teachers, students and different student organizations said that the VC underestimated sovereignty of the country by chanting slogan of another country. This is tantamount to treason. For this, he lost his merit to stay in the post of the VC, reports our Rajshahi Correspondent quitting insider sources of the university.
In this circumstance, a tense situation is prevailing on the campus as the issue turned into ‘hot talk topic’ on the campus as well as other parts of the country, sources said.
The demonstrators likely to announce tough movement today (Tuesday) to press home their one-point demand, they said.  
Meanwhile, Professor Abdus Sobhan has been taken to Education Ministry on Monday evening for the explanation of such as treason comment in a formal programme, ministry source said.
The university Teachers’ Association President Professor Saiful Islam Faruki said that he personally thinks being a university vice-chancellor of an independent country Professor Sobhan cannot chant such slogan.
Dr Chawdury Md Zakaria sharply criticised the VC’s comment. The incident has gone viral on social media and has become the talk of the town and among the common people across Bangladesh.
Teachers and students who witnessed the programme condemned his speech, saying: “How is it possible for him to say such a thing as a vice-chancellor of an independent country? He has ethically no right to stay in his position.”
Bangladesh Sadharan Chhatra Adhikar Sangrakkhan Parishad, RU unit Convener Masud Monnaf said, the VC should be sued on charge of treason.
Ranju Hasan, General Secretary of Progressive Students Alliance, RU unit, said such slogan is against the country’s constitution. He cannot make this as a university vice-chancellor living in our country.
The RU Chhatra Dal Joint Secretary Sanin Chowdhury demanded the VC’s removal immediately.
But RU Chhatra League General Secretary Faisal Ahmed Runu defended the the VC. He said, “VC sir might have chanted slogan ‘Joy Hind’ in any backdrop.”
The RU History Department and Mass History Centre has jointly organised a three-day-long programme at the university’s Tajuddin Senate Building. The programme was titled ‘Education: From the Perspective of a People’s State’.
