RU VC assaulted by AL leaders

Teachers also dishonoured : Wrath over imposing fine on MP's medical college, party men's appointment


Rabiul Islam Robi :Rajshahi University Vice Chancellor Professor Muhammad Mizanuddin was allegedly assaulted by City Awami League general secretary Dablu Sarkar and his men on Thursday.He also threatened the VC of dire consequences, including immediate removal from his post, if he doesn’t give appointments to his men in different offices of the university administration.The incident occurred just a day after the VC was assaulted by Rajshahi lawmaker Omar Faruque Chowdhury at VC office. Witnesses said, Dablu also hurled abusive language at VC and other professors who were present at VC’s office.But denying the fact, Dablu Sarker alleged that VC Prof Mizan was patronising Jamaat-BNP men on campus.”Being informed from different corners, we went to VC’s office to know about the matter. We will reveal how VC was patronising Jamaat-BNP men,” Dablu said in a press briefing later.”We have left VC’s office after a peaceful dialogue with him,” ‘denying assault, he continued. ‘If anything had occurred at VC’s office after my departure, I am not aware of it.” A day before yesterday, Omar Faruque Chowdhury MP threatened the RU VC and also verbally assaulted him at his office as the university authorities imposed a fine Tk 25 lakh on his college (Shah Makhdum Medical College) for admitting students before academic approval of RU (according to the university rules). Prof Elias Hossain, RU Public Relation Administrator, who was present at VC’s office at the time of incident, said Rajshahi City Awami League General Secretary Dablu Sarkar along with 30 others entered the vice chancellor office, stood in front of the VC and sought appointment of his men in different offices of the university immediately.Prof Elias alleged, Dablu shouted at the VC and asked him as to when he would give appointments to his men.”Rajshahi City Awami League President and General Secretary will provide lists from which you (VC) must give appointments,” he continued quoting Dablu Sarkar. In reply, the VC said, ‘I will maintain the procedure according to the University Ordinance regarding the appointment’, Prof Elias said quoting VC. Becoming irate on reply, Zedu Sarkar, General Secretary of City Awami Volunteers League and other aides of Dablu Sarkiar stood up instantly and started abusive language raising finger at VC. Zedu Sarkar insisted VC to specify the date of the employees and officer’s appointment. “Regarding the incident if you (VC) go to the Prime Minister, I will also go to Prime Minister”, he said reminding the VC that Awami League is in power, a professor said requesting anonymity who was present at that time.When Prof Habibur Rahman, Dean of the Science Faculty of the university asked Sahadat Hossain, Vice-President of City Awami League not to shout and hurl abusive language at the VC, Dablu Sarker assaulted Prof Rahman and termed him as ‘son of idiots’ (Beyadober Baccha).While some more RU teachers came to calm down the situation, the AL leaders also chased them (teachers) and assaulted them physically, another senior Professor said. Later, they left the VC’s office at noon threatening to paralyse the campus for indefinite period. Meanwhile, a faction of BCL leaders and activists of Rajshahi University unit led by RU unit president Mizanur Rahman Rana brought out a protest procession on the campus demanding removal of VC following the direction of Dablu Sarker.During the turmoil, RU Pro-VC Prof Chowdhury Sarwar Jahan, RU Registrar Prof Entajul Haque and Rajshahi University Teachers Association General Secretary along with 20 senior professors were also present at the VC’s office.Contacted, RU Pro-VC Prof Chowdhury Sarwar Jahan admitted the fact and said, “We were feeling dishonored after such behaviour of AL leaders centering taking appointment in the university irrationally”.Talking to The New Nation, RU VC Prof Muhammad Mizanuddin said, ‘everything will be run as per the University Ordinance’. ‘I can’t do anything defying the Rajshahi University Act adding some people trying to create chaos on campus making illegal demands, the VC added.’We have no language to protest the incidents what they have done in my office adding I must seek remedy from the chancellor of the university and government maintaining official procedures, Prof Mizan said. Meanwhile, the teachers and the students of the university protested the heinous activities of AL leaders and AL MP on campus. Rajshahi University Teachers Association condemned the threat of MP Omar Faruque and assaults by city AL leaders to VC at an emergency meeting yesterday evening. Progressive Students’ Alliance, four left leaning students’ body on campus, protested the incident at a rally and demanded proper investigation in the incident. They also sought immediate removal of MP Omar Faruque from Parliament for committing such heinous acts.
