RU student calls 999 to save herself from ‘sexual harassment’


UNB, Rajshahi :
A female student of Rajshahi University (RU) was rescued by police from a house in city’s Dharampur area on Wednesday after she sought their support calling 999 to save her from ‘sexual harassment’.
Responding to the emergency phone call ‘999’, police arrested Shyamal Banik, 45, son of Debnath Banik of Kotalipara in Gopalganj district, from the house for sexually harassing the girl.
Golam Ruhul Kuddus, additional deputy commissioner of police, said the victim, a first year student of English Department, went to the house of one Dipika Banik for giving private tuition to her two daughters at Dharampur on Tuesday. Later, the victim got stuck at Dipika’s house following rainfall and then Dipika asked girl to stay at her home at night. In dead of night, Shyamal Banik, brother of Dipika, entered the room where the girl was sleeping and harassed her sexually. She then called 999 and sought help from police.
