RU protests blogger Niloy killing


RU Correspondent :

Teachers, students and different organizations of Rajshahi University on Saturday strongly protested the brutal murder of secular writer-blogger Niladri Chattopadhyay Niloy inside his residential house in the capital on Friday.
They also demanded immediate arrest and bringing the perpetrators under the umbrella of justice.
Over hundred leaders and activists of Progressive Students Alliance, a platform of four left leaning students’ body of the university brought out a protest procession on campus at 12:00pm condemning the brutal attack of writer-blogger Niloy murder.
They also joined at short rally at the university Tukitaki Chattar.
Speakers at human chain raised their voice against the state’s reluctance to ensure the security of the free thinkers.
“Secular writer and blogger of the country have been giving their life to the fanatic groups one after another since last few years as the state failed to ensure the punishment to the killers in every time”, they said.
“It is a matter of regret that free thinkers are mostly insecure in our county under the government who talked about much regarding the security of them (free thinkers)”, speakers also said.
They demanded exemplary punishment to the killers after tracing out them immediately.
In separate statements, Rajshahi University Teachers Association and Journalists Association also condemned the brutal killing of Niloy.
