RU female students harassed by hall staff

RU Correspondent :
Female students of Rajshahi University Bangamata Fazilatunnesa Hall alleged, they are being being harassed by the hall’s staff and an employee.
The residential students alleged that they informed their hall provost several times over the matter. But, instead of taking action against the staff, the hall provost, they added, showed her rage over them.
On Sunday night, the students of the hall submitted a written complaint to the hall provost Professor Fahima Khatun against both the hall super Mohsina Pervin and the guard Mostak. Around three hundred residential students of the hall signed the written complaint.
In the written complain, the female students alleged that the hall super Mohsina Pervin often misbehaved with them without any reason. Sometimes, Mohsina, they also stated, hurled abusive languages and assaulted them physically, if they retuned their hall in the evening after finishing their tuitions.
They also alleged that the hall guard Mostak always hurled abusive languages and made offensive remarks about their dresses and their body.
A student wishing anonymity told New Nation that she earlier walked in the morning regularly. But, she was forced to leave that habit as hall guard Mostak often made abusive languages about her in the early hours.
Another student of the hall said that they had class at the department till 5pm, and for that she had to return at the hall in late evening after finishing her tuition.
“The hall super Mohsina often made offensive comments and assaulted over the matter why I entered at the hall in late evening. Though I told her several times about my tuition, she sometimes threatened me to drive out from the hall”, she added.
The residential students of the hall also alleged that they had several problems including water crisis, reading room problem and lack of staff at the dining of the hall. The alleged that they informed the hall provost about their problems several times, but she did not take any effective steps over the matter.
Contacted, hall super Mohsian Pervin denied all the allegations brought against her by the residential students.
However, guard Mostak did not receive phone call despite repeated trying.
Hall provost Professor Fahima told New Nation on Monday that she personally went to the hall and heard their allegations adding that they would take legal action against the staff and employee if they found guilty.