RTI Forum concern over Digital Security Act 2018

Says it undermines RTI Act 2009


 Staff Reporter :
The Right To Information Forum (RTIF) on Monday expressed concern over the passage of Digital Security Act 2018 by the parliament as some of its provisions have given undue precedence over those of Right to Information Act 2009.
The Digital Security Act in its present form will grossly restrict the scope of people’s access to information under the RTI Act, according to a press release issued by the forum.
The RTI Act has been widely held as one of the best opportunities created by the government in empowering people for promoting transparency and accountability, the press release added.
In a statement issued yesterday, RTIF observed that some provisions of the Official Secrets Act 1921 have been included in the Digital Security Act 2018 that directly undermines Section 3 of RTI Act which provides that it will prevail over any Act that may create impediment in providing information or conflicts with provisions of the RTI Act.
 “The Digital Security Act 2018 not only contradicts it, but also raises questions about the government’s capacity to be consistent in law-making,” the RTI Forum observed.
It also lamented that the Digital Security Act 2018 creates wide opportunities to restrict the space for raising informed public opinion.
The forum demanded to ensure transparency and accountability of public institutions, reduce corruption and establish good governance as outlined in the preamble of Right to Information Act 2009.
 “The Digital Security Act 2018 is clearly inconsistent with the fundamental constitutional rights to freedom of speech and expression as per Article 39 of the constitution and, therefore, undermines democracy and human rights which are among the fundamental principles of state policy,” the press release added.
RTI Forum is a coalition of more than 45 organizations and few prominent individuals that played a pivotal role in the enactment of the RTI Act in 2009 and since then have been supporting the government in the effective implementation and promotion of the right to information of the people of Bangladesh.
