RTA enforcement to be made tolerable: Quader

UNB, Dhaka :
Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader on Monday said the Road Transport Act will be enforced keeping it at a tolerable level.
“We’ll ensure the enforcement of the law keeping it at a tolerable level. The decision was taken after taking opinions from all and no-one was forced to abide by the decision,” he said while speaking at a press briefing over

 recent issues at the Secretariat. “When any strike goes on, a stalemate is also created and media keep reporting on public sufferings. We’ll have to move on considering the situation,” said the minister.
The Home Minister has been entrusted with the responsibility of solving the problem regarding the Road Transport Act and we will scrutunise the demand of the transport owners and workers but it is not possible to do anything right now. “We’ll discuss the matter with the Prime Minister,” he added.
Replying to a question whether the government got hostage to the transport leaders, Obaidul said, “No-one can make anyone hostage.”
Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA) and Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation (BRTC) have taken initiatives to create skilled drives, he said adding, ‘We’re working for their skill development.”
Asked about the NRC issue, he said the Indian Prime Minister and Foreign Ministry told them not to be worried about it and the government is monitoring the matter.
Turning to BNP’s rally, the Awami League general secretary said it is ridiculous that BNP wants to hold a rally without taking permission from government authorities.
“It’s my question whether BNP has the courage and strength to hold a rally or any gathering sans police permission. Do they have the capacity to launch any movement? Not even 500 people were seen in any of their movement,”
During the BNP regime, he said, Awami League had to take permission from the police for holding any meeting and now why will not they (BNP) take permission, he questioned.
Criticising the government for its ‘failure’ to control the soaring prices of essential items and take action against unscrupulous business syndicates, BNP senior leaders on Sunday declared to wage a mass movement to ensure its fall and free their chairperson Khaleda Zia from jail.
