Rousseff impeachment vote `annulled`


The impeachment process against Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff has suffered a setback.The acting speaker of Brazil’s lower house, Waldir Maranhao, has annulled a vote in the lower house on 17 April that allowed the proceedings to go on to the Senate.The Senate was scheduled to vote on whether to start an impeachment trial on Wednesday.It is not currently clear if that vote will now happen.Mr Maranhao said there had been irregularities during the lower house session in which its members voted in favour of the impeachment process going ahead. He said members of the lower house should not have publicly announced what their position was prior to the vote.He also said it had been wrong of party leaders to instruct their members how to vote. The US ambassador said she met the foreign secretary ahead of a US delegation visit next week.The deputy of the Assistant Secretary of State for South Asia Nisha Desai Biswal would lead a delegation to Dhaka, week after her another round of visit.Biswal’s visit followed the killing an USAID staff Xulhaz Mannan who was a LGBT activist in Bangladesh.The Islamic State and Al-Qaida have been reportedly claiming responsibility for the murders of secular bloggers, teachers and online activists since Sep last year.Bangladesh has denied those claims, saying the killers are “home-grown” extremists.Biswal, during her meetings with government officials, said they might have links with the international terrorists group.She also met new Indian High Commissioner Harsh Vardhan Shringla and discussed security issues.Asked, Ambassador Bernicat said Biswal met Shringla as she oversaw South Asia in her capacity in the state department.She said the meeting gave her the chance to discuss issues with the new high commissioner for the first time.
