Round-table on traffic management at DIU

Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader MP speaks at a round-table discussion on traffic management held at Daffodil International University on Sunday.
Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader MP speaks at a round-table discussion on traffic management held at Daffodil International University on Sunday.
Campus Report :
Daffodil International University (DIU) organized a round table discussion on “Effective Traffic Management in Bangladesh: A Catalyst for Inclusive Growth of the Country” on Sunday at 71 Milonayatan of the university. Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader MP was the chief guest at the event while Khandakar Rakibur Rahman, Executive Director (Additional Secretary), Dhaka Transport Coordination Authority (DTCA) was present as special guest.
Dr Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman, Board of Trustees, DIU presented the Keynote Paper while Prof Dr Yousuf Mahbubul Islam, Vice Chancellor, DIU, Prof Dr SM Mahbub Ul Haque Majumder, Pro Vice Chancellor, DIU, Prof Shamsul Hoque, PhD, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) was present as the key discussant of the paper, says a DIU press release.
Obaidul Quader, MP said that traffic jam is not a cause of infrastructure problem or engineering problem. Most of the cases, it causes due to lack of our awareness and mentality problem. Our pedestrian are not interested to use foot over bridge, foot paths and drivers as well as mass people are also not aware on road etiquette that’s why traffic jam cannot be resolved completely.
Most of the time we see that our VIP cars move to a wrong way violating the traffic signal, our university buses are also break the traffic rules. First of all we have to solve this kind of mentality problem, he added.
The minister also said, if people are not aware, then metro rail, flyover cannot bear any success to remove traffic jam. He thanked DIU for taking such a good initiative to run a research on this kind of public based problem.
Dr. Md. Sabur Khan said that Bangladesh is suffering from traffic jam for a long time. Nowadays it looks like unbearable. In 1971 public transport of Dhaka city were run as 60 km per hour. But now in 2018 public transport of Dhaka city are running as 6 km per hour. We need to change this situation.
That is why DIU has taken a research initiative to remove this traffic problem.
Dr. Khan in his presentation shows many proposals for solving traffic jam. The remarkable proposal are: multilevel vehicle parking made by steel, CC TV use for controlling all road of the city, create U-loop, Use google map etc.  
Khandakar Rakibur Rahman said universities of developed countries are plays role as think tank. But unfortunately this culture has not been done in our country. However he being optimistic to seeing this research initiative.
Brigadier General Ahmed Ali Khan, PSC said that at least 10-12 people are dying on road in every day. People are stuck on road for hour after hour. A lot of working hours is being destroyed due to traffic jam.
As a part of the research agenda Daffodil International University has already created a online based Traffic Forum http:// index.php to discuss traffic issues, areas of research and innovative solutions.