Rough weather hits catching, drying of fish at Dubla Village

Bagerhat Correspondent :
It is the high time to catch fish from the sea and to make them dried at Dubla Fisherman Village of Sundarban forest situated on the bank of the Bay of Bengal but due to sudden hostility of weather accompanied with gusty wind and incessant rains have seriously affected catching and drying of fish .
Consequently, dry fish traders known as ‘Bahaddars’ and the fishermen cannot dry huge quantity of fish caught earlier from the sea in the sunshine at the village.
As a result, fish worth Taka several crores were already damaged, it is claimed by forest officer Kazi Mokammel Kbir, in-charge of Dubla dry fisherman village. The forest officer apprehended, for all those reasons the forest department may be deprived from the target of the collection of revenue from the dry fish sector in comparison with the last year.
At present more than two thousand fishermen of Dubla Dry Fish village comprising some 13 chars ( islands) are catching fish from the sea and more than one hundred Bahaddars are purchasing the fish from the fishermen, making them (fish) dried and the dried fish is now being supplied to different places of the country and abrades.
On the other hand, Forest Department earns Taka several crores as revenue every year from the Dubla dry fish village but due to sudden formation of depression in the Bay of Bengal , fishermen cannot catch fish from the sea and the dry fish traders cannot dry the same, it was disclosed by Md. Farid Raihan, manager of a number of fish depots belonging to 7/8 Bahaddars. He added, huge quantities of fish caught earlier and deposited to the Bahaddars cannot be dried for want of sunlight and if such foul weather continues for more days both fishermen and fish traders will incur heavy losses and consequently, the forest department may be deprived from a huge amount of cash Taka as revenue from Dubla dry fish village. But Mahmudul Hasan, DFO of the Eastern Division of Sundarban forest told the newsmen, all the forest officers and the employees deployed Dubla fisherman village were directed to face the natural calamities tactfully and try to increase the revenue from the dry fish sector.