Rotary spends $ one billion to eradicate polio


Rotary Governor FH Arif said that Rotary has spent one billion dollar to eradicate polio from the world. He said this on Saturday at a press conference held at the National Press Club. Former Governor Jalal U Ahmed, Zainul Abedin Salim Reza, Chairman of Rotary Media Committee Abul Khair Chowdhury and President of Dhanmondi Central Dr. Monowar Hossain also spoke at the conference.
Governor said that Bangladesh is now free from polio. Afghanistan, Pakistan and Nigeria isn’t yet free from polio. Rotary taken up various programmes for Polio- free world. Bill Gates Donates 650 million dollar for this programme. About 12 lac members of Rotary and 2 crore volunteers of the world working hard for polio-free world.
