Rotary Int’l announces new welfare programme


New Governor of Rotary SAM Showket Hossain said that Rotary International has taken initiative to implement vast activities for the welfare of careless and rootless people of the country. He said in a press conference at the beginning of new financial year at National Press Club yesterday. Outgoing Governor Safina Rahman, DGE Mohammad Ayub, Former Governer Joinul Abedin, Selim Reza, Hafizullah, Ghulam Mustafa, Assistant Governor Abul Khair Chowdhury, Cosmopolitan President Saifur Rahman and Captain M Shafi were present among others.
New Governor announced that next year one thousand poor meritorious students will get scholarship, 100,000 will get exercise book, 5000 will get eye operation. One thousand tubewell will be installed. One thousand Hygienic Latrine will be built. He urged the people of the society to come forward for assistant.
