Rotary Governor announce Welfare Programme for 2018-19

Rotary Governor AFM Alamgir addressing a press conference held on Saturday at the National Press Club.
Rotary Governor AFM Alamgir addressing a press conference held on Saturday at the National Press Club.

Rotary Governor AFM Alamgir announced Welfare Programme of the year 2018-19. He said that Rotary is going to execute lots of program for the welfare of distressed people. He said it on Saturday at a press conference held at National Press Club, on the occasion of Rotary year launching 2018-19.
Former Governor FH Arif, Zainul Abedin, Shamsul Huda, Rotarian Mansur Alam, Deputy Governor Abul Khair Chowdhury, Cosmopolitan President, Tofazzel Patowary also spoke at the conference.
It was attended by district secretary Abdul Malek, Shahidul Bari, Mutasim Billah Faruqi & other leaders.
Governor said that, Rotary Welfare activities will expand gradually to all over the country. Governor unveiled his plans for the organization at the conference for next year.
His programme includes promoting peace, fighting disease, providing clean water, saving mother & children, supporting education, poverty eradication, growing local economics, creating awareness on drug-abuse, cancer, HIV AIDS, Hepatitis B&C, breast-feeding and tree plantation across the country.
