Rooppur NPP Project Director receives Integrity Award


Our Correspondent :

The National Integrity Award was given to the project director of the country’s most expensive and largest Rooppur nuclear power project and managing director of NPCBL, Dr. Shaukat Akbar. The award was given to him on Monday by the Ministry of Science and Technology in the light of the ‘National Integrity Award Policy’2017. This information has been confirmed by the Public Relations Department of the Ministry of Science and Technology.
It is known that from the beginning of the Rooppur project, the Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission official said. Shaukat Akbar has been given the responsibility of project director and is conducting Mahakarmayajna with utmost devotion. Work on the Rooppur project did not stop for a day despite severe cyclones, disasters and severe lockdowns. All kinds of officials and employees from home and abroad are working 24 hours a day for the project. This Mahakarmayajna is being conducted according to the schedule. In the management of Shaukat. Even during the lockdown, he repeatedly ran from Dhaka to Ishwardi’s Rooppur.
Honesty, devotion and duty. Due to Shaukat Akbar’s respect, the ministry has awarded him the Shuddhachar Award and given him recognition of Shuddhachar.
The Atomic Energy Commission and all levels of staff working on the Rooppur project congratulated him on being awarded the Integrity Award.
