Rongtulitey Muktijuddho

Sheikh Arif Bulbon :
Like previous years Channel i
in support with IFIC Bank organised a painting
programme titled Rongtulitey Muktijuddho on the Channel i premises in the city’s Tejgaon area on March 26 to mark the Independence Day. It was 11th arrangement of this event.
With the presence of country’s 50 noted and promising painters drew their canvases in the
programme to focus on the country’s war of independence. Popular TV actor and director Afzal Hossain moderated
the event.
The event was inaugurated at 11:05am on March 26. Managing Director of Channel i and Impress Telefilm Ltd Faridur Reza Sagor, Director and Head of News of Channel i Shykh Seraj, Deputy Managing Director of IFIC Bank Ltd Hikal Hashmi, noted Tagore artiste Rezwana Chowdhury Bannya, singer Rafiqul Alam, artist Kanakchapa Chakma, among others, were also present
at the inauguration.
In the concluding part of the event, Rezwana Chowdhury Bannya and students of her music school Surer Dhara and Rafiqul Alam rendered patriotic songs
on the occasion.
Hashem Khan, Monirul Islam, Samarjit Roy Chowdhury, Biren Shome, Alakesh Ghosh, Syed Lutful Haque, Hamiduzzaman Khan, Sabyasachi Hazra, Syed Iqbal, Rezaul Karim, Keramat Mawla, Syed Enayet Hossain, Rezaun Nabi, Sohag Parvez, Shahid Kabir, Ashok Karmaker, Ivy Zaman, Nazia Andaleeb Preema, Rukhsana Saida Poppy, among others, drew on their
canvasses in the festival. n