Romania to elect president to replace Basescu

BBC Online :
Voters in Romania are set to elect a new president in a run-off vote which pits the social democrat prime minister against a centre-right candidate.
Prime Minister Victor Ponta led in the first round with 40% to 30% for Klaus Iohannis, an ethnic German mayor.
 Ponta has promised both to reduce the budget deficit and increase pensions and the minimum wage.
President Traian Basescu, his long-time political foe, cannot stand for re-election after serving two terms.
Since taking office as prime minister two years ago, Ponta, 42, has overseen economic growth and political stability in Romania, the EU’s second-poorest state after Bulgaria.
It is also one of the EU’s most corrupt member states and Iohannis, 55, has promised to crack down on wrongdoing and strengthen the independence of the judicial system.