Role of teachers to ensure quality edn stressed


Primary and Mass Education Minister Mostafizur Rahman on Wednesday called upon the school managing committees, teachers and guardians to play their roles along with the government to ensure quality education.
“The government is working seriously in this regard. Now the teachers and guardians will have to be more sincere,” he said this as chief guest at the inaugural session of the first national conference on ‘Quality Primary Education’ at Sonargaon Hotel in the city.
Organized by the Ministry for Primary and Mass Education, the function was attended by Chairman of Parliamentary Standing Committee on Primary and Mass Education Ministry M Motahar Hossain as special guest.
Primary end Mass Education Secretary Humayun Khalid presided over the conference while Department of Primary Education Director General M Alamgir delivered the welcome address. CIR Executive Director and National Working Group on Basic Education Member Shabbir Bin Shams presented a keynote paper titled ‘Putting Inclusive and Quality Primary Education in Perspective.’
The minister said the government is implementing various programmes for the development of education. The programmes include free distribution of textbooks, stipend, midday meal and training of teachers.
He said the government’s allocation for education is not inadequate. The allocation needs to be utilized properly, he added.
Mostafizur Rahman said there is no guarantee that the teachers will teach well if their salaries are increased.
Good teaching requires sincerity, he said, adding that the teachers would have to discharge their duties with devotion and sincerity.
The minister said the guardians, too, will have to play a responsible role for quality education of their children.
In the keynote paper, Shabbir Bin Shams suggested increasing budget allocation and number of teachers, training the teachers, bringing the headmasters in managerial posts and giving importance to opinions of the stakeholders for quality education.
