Role of BDRCS in serving distressed humanity lauded


BSS, Rangpur :
Speakers at a discussion Thursday lauded the role of Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) in serving the distressed and suffering humanity through conducting rescue and relief operations during natural disasters.
They were addressing the discussion organised by Rangpur unit of BDRCS in observance of the World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day-2014 on its Rangpur Unit Office premises with its Secretary Shah Mohammad Nabiullah Panna in the chair.
Earlier, Mayor of Rangpur City Corporation and valiant freedom fighter Alhaj Sharfuddin Ahmed Jhantu inaugurated observance of the day through hoisting of the national flag and releasing pigeons in the morning.
Later, a colourful rally, participated by hundreds of people including teachers, students, officials, BDRCS volunteers, civil society members, socio-cultural and professional activist and elite of the city, was brought out in the city streets.
Executive Members of Rangpur BDRCS unit Abul Kashem, AAA Al-Amin and Ziaul Kabir Zia, life term Members Dr Jamal Uddin Mintu and Zahidul Islam, addressed the discussion meeting.
Administrative Officer of the Community Development Initiative (CDI) Programme of BDRCS Tanvir Anjum Rahman, Assistant Programme Officer of its Disaster Programme for Safer School (DPSS) Project Mofizur Rahman and Programme Organiser Rezwanul Karim spoke.
Rangpur Youth Unit Chief of BDRCS Hasnine Ahmed Nayan, Unit Disaster Response Team Leader Nasir Uddin and President of Community -01 (Najirdigar) Ariful Kabir Batul addressed the discussion moderated by Rangpur Unit Level Officer of BDRCS Saiful Islam.
Besides, handwriting and drawing competitions were arranged for the school children followed by cultural functions and prize giving ceremony.
The speakers in the discussion meeting elaborately narrated importance of the day and called upon all concerned to be imbued with the ideals of founder of the organisation Jean Henry Dunant to serve the distressed and suffering humanity.
