Role of affluent to elevate poverty is essential : Speakers

Chittagong Bureau :
Under the auspices of Bishwajanin Shanti Sangha International chapter distributed winter clothes to the poor community members at its station road premises on Sunday with Principal Dr Abdul Karim in the chair.
The chair of the programme in his brief deliberations emphasssed the need of role of the affluent section of the society to sustain peace and elevate poverty from the society.
He disclosed it while addressing the clothes distribution program . He called upon the affluents to come forward to stand beside the poors and distressed for their sustainability in the society.
Joint secretary of the Sangha Dr Anjan Kumar Das conducted the distribution programme .
In this connection with the distribution of clothes , a discussion meeting was held duly participated by Dr CS Das, Prof. Dr Debratha Bhattachariya, Dr Pranab Biswas, Dr Debashish Majumder, Mohan Chowdhury, Dr Manash Shekhor, Dr Mohsin Sikder, MA Fazal and M. Rahman.