Rokeya Day today

UNB, Dhaka :
The nation will observe the Begum Rokeya Day on Saturday marking the 137th birth and 85th death anniversary of the pioneer for women’s rights in the subcontinent.
The Women and Children Affairs Ministry and various other socio-cultural and political
organisations have chalked out elaborate programmes to mark the day. The programmes include milad mahfil, placing wreaths at her portraits, discussions and cultural events. Besides, the Rokeya Padak-2017 will be distributed among the recipients for their contributions to women development. On the occasion, President Abdul Hamid, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia have issued separate messages paying rich tributes to Begum Rokeya. In his message, the President said Bangladesh has been globally recognised as a role model of women empowerment. The Prime Minister, in her message, said Begum Rokeya’s ideal, courage and life are the source of inspiration for the women of the society.
Begum Rokeya Shakhawat Hossain was born on December 9 in 1880 at Pairaband village in Rangpur. She also passed away on December 9 in 1932.