OPINION: Rohingyas Why Do We Nurture Other’s Child?


Dr. Forqan Uddin Ahmed :
More than one million Rohingya refugees have taken shelter in Bangladesh. Rohingya’s are the people of Myanmar. Why do we nurture another’s child? Why the conscience of the world is not awakened as a child of the world? No action is yet taken to resolve this. This is the question of every human being.
In our country, we are in the midst of a thousand crises. How much we have the ability to look at their housing, health, safety, food, clothing, etc. is a consideration. When these refugees become baseless to fulfill their basic needs, they will get involved in various wrong, immoral, illegal acts. It will be forced to indulge in unfair, indecent and unwanted ways of living with the local population. Maybe he will not hesitate to take any disgusting way to survive. From time to time, the Rohingya refugees will move from place to place, desperate to survive in search of work.
Myanmar authorities today are shameless. They have become inferior to the human being and beyond the senses of the animal. It is not inconceivable to think that they would treat such people with hostility because of religion and differences, but human religion is not so much important. Therefore, by promoting humanity, we have to nurture civilization by avoiding the animality of the mind by eliminating violence, paganism, hatred. This is the expectation of Bengali and world conscience to the Myanmar authorities and the ruling party. Our request to the conscious, civilised and civilised society of Myanmar will hopefully not be rejected. They may or may not see it from the point of view of compassion and tolerance. If it is overlooked, then humanity and civilization will be broken. Inequity, injustice and oppression will be established, turmoil, anarchy and unrest will increase. Non-sectarianism, abuses, destitution and bloodshed will increase. Discrimination will increase. In the communal riots, social infrastructure will be destroyed. If anyone loses this evil, then the world must take action by uniting against it. No one has the right to threaten world peace. How long will the United Nations carry this contempt?
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has already offered a four-point proposal to the United Nations during the 72nd UN General Assembly. The proposals included full implementation of recommendations of Kofi Annan Commission, and establishment of a “civilian monitored safe zone” in the Rakhine State. The PM reiterated that the Rohingya crisis is a political one deeply rooted in Myanmar and thus, its solution has to be found inside Myanmar.
According to the UN reports, Rohingyas have been victims of atrocity crimes. Bangladesh appreciates the adoption of the Joint Communiqué of the 14th Islamic Summit Conference of OIC held in Makkah Al-Mukarramah, on 31 May 2019.
Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen said China has support for Bangladesh’s statement. As a result, Bangladesh will hold a meeting with Myanmar outside the UN session in China.
“China has taken enough initiatives and efforts are underway. China also believes that if the problem persists for a long time, there will be uncertainty in the region, which will be difficult for everyone. Therefore, China is uniting with us and negotiating with Myanmar. We believe that we will succeed in this endeavor.” Analysts say, Myanmar simply does not take bilateral action effectively without international pressure.
In this context, Bangladesh thinks it can move forward by exploiting the opportunities of the UN General Assembly. The crisis cannot be solved anyway other than diplomatic efforts. That is why we have to take diplomatic effort to a point where Myanmar cannot back it up. China can play the most important role here. We hope world community will come forward for a peaceful and permanent solution of the Rohingya refugee crisis. And thereby they would be able to claim that they belong to a nation with identity.

(Dr. Forqan Uddin Ahmed, writer, researcher and columnist)
