Rohingyas suffering overshadows uptick in locals’ woes

UNB, Cox’s Bazar :
 As the Rohingya take shelter in Bangladesh, it is a sad irony that locals in Ukhiya are bearing the brunt of increased pressure on local resources.
According to locals in what was already one of the poorest corners of the country, since the onset of the refugee crisis, prices of daily commodities have shot up, with supplies running low.
Onions, which used to be Tk 26/kg, now costs Tk 50/kg, said Shyamol Das, a resident of Ukhiya.
Price of fish that used to be Tk100-150/kg, has more than trebled to around Tk 500, he added.
The vegetable market is on fire while even the rice price has increased by at least Tk 10, alleged another local.
Opportunist traders are selling products in Rohingya camps to gain extra profit and as a result the market is facing low supply, alleged the president of Ukhiya Station Bazar and Traders Association Ekramul Haque.
Expressing concern about people’s patience running low over the situation, he added that in spite of the price hike and suffering, local people are not yet frustrated by the burden they’re being forced to bear as a result of the Rohingya crisis. Till now, they feel for the oppressed people.
More than 5,000 people have come to Ukhiya to help the Rohingya people.
Admitting the sufferings of the local people, Deputy Commissioner of Cox’s Bazar Ali Hossain said some problems are occurring due to stocks running low.
“We are trying to increase supplies,” he added.
Prices have increased in the market in the face of the influx stretching supplies, said the DC.