Rohingyas still collecting SIM cards

A Correspondent :
Many Rohingyas have collected mobile SIM cards at higher prices from a local nexus by forging documents. Even, a section of Rohingya people somehow managed NID cards, sources said.
Allegations run rife that some local agents of mobile phone operators are involved in providing Rohingyas with SIM cards to make huge money.
Rohingyas, who were given shelter in Bangladesh after their escape from a persecution in Myanmar, are desperate to get SIM cards by any means. Besides, field officers of the mobile phone companies have reportedly sold a SIM card to a Rohingya at Tk 2,000-3,000. Law enforcers arrested a agent few days ago for selling illegal SIM cards to Rohingyas.
It is reported that more than seven lakh SIM cards are in possession of Rohingya people living in the camps in Ukhiya and Teknaf of Cox’s Bazar. Using Bangladeshi SIM, Rohingya people are keeping contact with each other and even with their relatives living in Myanmar as network is also available. According to law enforcement agencies, sheltered Rohingyas are using these illegal SIM cards to do different activities, including crimes.