Rohingyas reluctance to return to Myanmar without guarantee of citizenship

Cox’sBazar Correspondent :
The Rohingyas, who took shelter in different camps in Cox’s Bazar have once again expressed reluctance to return to Myanmar without guarantee of citizenship.
At a huge rally attended by thousands of Rohingyas , the Rohingya leaders reiterated their demands.
The rally was held at Ukhia’s Kutupalang Mega Camp on Sunday .
Thousands of women, men and children from around 25 camps in Ukhia joined the rally on Sunday morning.
The Arakan Rohingya Society for Peace and Human Rights (ARSPH) organised the long rally at the Kutupalong Mega Camp Extension Camp No. 1.
More than a million Rohingyas have seen in the rally. Rohingya leaders of the organization spoke at the rally.
The rally, which started at 9am on Sunday, ended with prayer at 10.30am.
ARSPH Chairman Master Mahibullah said, “We want to return to Myanmar with our full support of Bangladesh.” He said he was ready to return to Myanmar, guaranteeing citizenship of Rohingya, independent and dignified living in his home country of Myanmar.
On the other hand, another anniversary rally was held in the field of D-block of Kutupalong II camp. The leaders of the organization spoke at the rally organized by the Rohingya Refugee Council.
President of the organization Sirajul Mostafa, Dr Zafar Alam, said that if the Bangladesh Government did not shelter millions of Rohingyas after August 25, that would be the most significant human tragedy in the world. The Rohingya people will forever be grateful to Bangladesh and the local people for saving the lives of a large number of Rohingya.
“We hope that Bangladesh will return to Myanmar by providing kindness and sympathy to the Rohingya,” he said.
It will be discussed from the united to regain their civil rights and return to the lost land. A Rohingya and Myanmar will not return unless they claim the clause. Because it is foolish to rely on the Myanmar government.
The demand announced at the rally is that the Rohingya of Myanmar should be accepted as citizens, have security and freedom to move freely, return the soil to their lost borders, and prosecute the torture on August 23.
At the rally, Rohingya leader Muhib Ullah added that the Rohingyas are now united only to regain their rights. We want to return to our country. But without the assurance of rights and security, it will never go back. It is foolish to trust the Myanmar government.
Rohingya leader Abdur Rahim said the government of Bangladesh is expressing its gratitude to the people. Maulana Nurul Islam conducted the rally at the rally.
There was no work of the NGO around August 27. The jets inside the camp were closed from morning till noon.
Ukhiya Police Station OC Abul Mansur said, additional police have been deployed in the camp to keep law and order situation normal.