Rohingyas facing extinction in Myanmar

Professor Dr. Anwarul Karim :
At last the cat is out of the bag. Up-came the bombshell from the army, ‘Rohingya Muslims are not the natives to Mynmar, they are Bengali’, And thus said the army chief, Senior General Min Aung Hlang to the world through the US Ambassador Scot Marciel when he met him in his office. The Army Chief, senior General Min Aung Hlang, justifying the killings of Rohingyas in accusations of being the terrorists which he made earlier. The General is the most powerful and known as an iron man in the Buddhist dominated Myanmar. He is most uncompromising and turns a deaf ear to the world-wide condemnation and protests. He justifies the crackdown and the killings of the Rohingya Muslims in the name operation ethnic cleansing.
The ethnic cleansing by Military is quite popular in Myanmar and there appears no sympathy by the Buddhist population which dominate the country. Such is the report came from Channel News Asia, from Yangon. The Army General termed the Rohingyas as Bengali and blamed the British colonialists for their intrusion into Myanmar, overlooking their settlement from the 10th century when the shipwrecked Arab traders first settled in a village in Arakan coastal zones according to an old Arakan Chronicles and it followed gradual settlement of the Arab Muslims in all along the coastal zones of the present Chittagong and Arakan, which now became the part of the country now called Myanmar.
No civilized nation can kill her citizens in the name of operation cleansing as is dove by the Myanmar army since August, 2017 this year.
Rohingyas in Myanmar has been facing total extinction as the killings of Rohingyas, men, women, children, old and disabled, have been continued unabated in Myanmar without fear. The General of Myanmar army’s comments about Rohingyas as Bangali are totally misrepresentation of facts. We condemn his remark. It is a travesty of truth. He ignored History. Rohingyas settled in Arakan since 10th century when India and Burma had trade connections with Arab. Arakan Chronicles admitted it. Myanmar had no right to dethrone them. But it is very unfortunate that the world bodies look powerless and have been using tall talks as soothsayers occasionally do to please his/her clients. And it is noted with great concern that very shortly, Rohingyas are feared to be totally annihilated from the earth. There would be no place for them. This happens because they are Muslims and the world bodies also have become passive. There would thus be no Rohingya in Myanmar any more. The rest who are staying in Myanmar braving death everyday would be either killed or forced out from the country where they lived for generations. And the world would be looking on and on helplessly witnessing a gross and violent genocide that has surpassed the Nazi killings of the Jewish people in the world war. The killings of Rohngyas are worst than what happened to the Jewish in the death camp of Hitler. Suu Kyi is worst than Hitler. She and her army are the greatest criminals, the world ever produced. She is a demon and monster. Bangladesh appears to be a scapegoat and has no other alternative than to provide shelter to the millions of the Rohingyas from the point of view of being the closest neighbor. In fact, the mass killings have been continuing with the intention of annihilating the Rohingya Muslims. The Myanmar army are now bent on crushing the Rohingyas who had been living in Rakhayn State of Myanmar since the country was the part of Arakan. The history speaks that, Arabs had trade contact with India and its neighboring countries. An old Arakanese chronicle reported on the mid-nineteenth century that a group of Arab traders following shipwrecks took shelter along the Arakan coast. They settled themselves in some villages of the country with the help of its King Ma-ba-toing (780-810). Subsequently, many Arab traders came to India and settled in present Chittagong. They gradually became part of Arakan country. ( Mohor Ali, 1985: 37).
Mohor Ali further writes ” This settlement seems to have become the nucleus of a gradually growing colony of Muslim settlers. For according to another Arakanese , about a century and a half later, king Tsua-la-Taing Tsan -da -ya (951-957) defeated one Thu-ra- tan and erected a victory memorial at a place Tset-ta-going ( Chittagong). Evidently Thu-ra-tan was a person to reckon with and had for some reasons or other roused the jealousy of or had posed a threat to the Arakanese king. Thu-ra-tan, however, is a solitary figure in the history of that region ( Mohor Ali: 1985 :37).” He further adds that Dr. Muhammad Enamul Haq, the noted linguist and author on the basis of Arakanese Chronicle presume that these Arabs settled themselves in Chittagong and Arakan coast. Dr. M. Enamul Haq further presumes that Thu-ra-tan is an Arakanese corruption of the Arabic word Sultan. Mohor Ali, 1985: 38). This was further corroborated by another noted Historian Dr. M.A. Rahim. According to him, ” reading of the term Thi-ra-tan as Sultan can, to be dismissed as fantastic. No Hindu, Buddhist or Arakanese name or title corresponds with the formation of the term…. In the circumstances, it is reasonable to suggest that the term Sultan is an Arakanese corruption of Sultan During the Muslim invasion of India in the 13th century, they came from Arab and Persian country. Many of them also came from Turkey and were absorbed in various activities under the Sultanate and the Mughols. Their only fault they are Muslims and speak little bit of local Bangla dialect of Chittagog. It looks that there might not be any Muslim in the Myanmar country. The Rohingyas have a population over 1 million and nearly two lakh Rohngyas by this time either might have been killed by gun shots of the Myanmar army or have been drowned while crossing the river or met death on way to looking for shelter by sickness or otherwise.  
The world, of late, has been able to recognize the role played by Bangladesh government in providing an all out support to these unfortunate refugees who were forcibly ousted of their own country. It is an irony of fate that here their forefathers lived and participated in all national activities. They also participated in nation building works as they represented the parliament of the country. Bangladesh rose to the occasion as it had no alternative than to give shelter to the helpless Rohingyas in the face of large scale massacre that occurred in Myanmar, the closest neighbor of Bangladesh. It is painful that Russia and China who always uphold the cause of the suffering humanity now look dumb and play truant for reasons unknown. It is now an international issue and we must stand united forgetting all our differences. None should fish in the troubled water at the cost of the Rohingyas’ life. They should bury the hatchet and stand hand in hand and working together, forgetting everything for the sake of humanity. We salute to the first Lady of Turkey who extended her hand of support to the government of Bangladesh as she was the first to come to the side of Bangladesh visiting the refuges following the heavy influx of the teeming millions of the Rohingyas who faced death from drowning and starvation and this has been continuing for days and months since the first group made unauthorized exodus to Bangladesh.. She already made a history taking the tens of thousands of Rohingyas, men, women and children in her lap and feeding them with food and succor along with Bangladesh.
There is a recent move that Myanmar must take the Rohingyas back home. And Myanmar government had agreed partially to take the Rohingyas back gradually and that too after being satisfied. But this would certainly delay in sending back the Rohingyas to their homeland. And it would add fuel to the fire. Mean while, Mark Lowcock, head of UN office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) called for stronger global solidarity in solving the Rohingya issue. He said in Dhaka that the international community’s solidarity must much the efforts taken by Bangladesh in dealing with the Rohingyas refugee crisis. He urged the donor countries to be generous in financing response plan for the Rohingyas. The UN has appealed for $434 million to scale up relief operation for the Rohingyas over the next few months. Mean while, $ 44,8 million have been received out of $77m by UN Relief Fund in response to the appeal made to the international donors for immediate relief. We certainly appreciate the efforts undertaken by UN OCHA but at the same time we join with the Amnesty International and urge upon the international community for taking immediate steps to help ensure that Rohingyas refugees are not forced back to Myanmar as long as they remain at risk of gross human rights violation by the Myanmar army’s vicious campaign of ethnic cleansing. We also want that the Rohingyas must get back home with honor and dignity and as a rightful citizen of Myanmar. But before this is done, the Myanmar government including the army who committed the most inhuman crime must face the international court for trial. If this is not done, the minorities in the world, irrespective of color, caste and religion would be totally safe and such type of crisis including loss if life would continue. Bangladesh had done her best and things needed immediate solution. The people have left no stone unturned to bring the whole matter to a peaceful and honorable solution. The Rohingyas crisis undoubtedly looks bilateral as Bangladesh bears the brunt of the unlimited influx of the Rohingyas. But it is no more bilateral now. The issue is certainly global and its solution must be made globally. The UN cannot look passive any more. OIC must come forward to join the UN on pressing the Myanmar government to stop genocide of innocent people. If necessary, the World body through UN peace mission should arrange posting of UN Peace keeping Mission to oversee that not a single life is lost or killed and a house burnt. It is now the supreme duty of UN for enforcing the human rights in Myanmar. The condition of the Rohingyas, despite utmost care of the government, still looks threatening because of criminals who are in around the refugee camps. International agencies have been working with Bangladesh day and night. There may be spread of epidemic.
The Rohingyas who could not come out from Myanmar as yet are not at all safe as the killing continues unabated. Their houses are being burnt.
It is unbelievable that the world still tolerates such kind of inhuman crime by the world’s most uncivilized and barbarous state. It has failed to force Myanmar from inhuman killing of innocent people. T here may be fourth world war. It would be a massacre for the world. The dooms would be not far off.
(Professor Dr. Anwarul Karim, Pro-VC, Northern University Bangladesh, e-mail: [email protected])