Commentary: Rohingya victims of Myanmar genocide must get justice

Editorial Desk :
Global human rights bodies have called for the international community to press Myanmar to comply with the order issued by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to protect Rohingyas in Rakhine State from the acts of genocide.
The ICJ asked Myanmar to take concrete steps to prevent the genocide of Rohingyas. It is a landmark step of ICJ and it must be followed by the Myanmar government properly.
This should also create pressure on Myanmar authority that Rohingyas who survived genocide and forced to flee the country to be alive must be allowed to go back to live safely in their own country.
The ICJ at The Hague, Netherlands, has also asked Myanmar to stop the crimes against Rohingyas and prevent the armed forces from making any harm to the ethnic minorities.
Myanmar is further asked to report on its implementation of the order in four months, and then every six months afterwards.
The order comes after the government of Gambia filed a case in November accusing Myanmar of violating UN Genocide Convention. Some 750,000 Rohingyas fled brutal military campaign in Rakhine to Bangladesh.
An estimated 600,000 Rohingyas remain in Rakhine State but continue to face serious rights violations.
We in Bangladesh are grateful to the leaders of Gambia to pursue the cause of humanity so forcefully. We expect the world community will not take their (Myanmar) acts of genocide lightly any more. The world does not want to rise of another genocidal country.
The ICJ provisional measures order is legally binding on the parties and automatically sent to the UN Security Council. Therefore, such an order will increase pressure on the UNSC to take concrete action against Myanmar to be respectful to improve its image.
The UNSC so far has not taken any significant action against Myanmar’s atrocities against Rohingya for the veto powers like China and Russia those resisted any such action in the hope that the problem would be solved through discussions.
But no such initiative was taken seriously. Now we hope they will not sit idle. We want friendship with all countries but hope to get friendly cooperation when help is needed.
Condemning Myanmar for genocide must mean saving the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh from their miserable and uncertain life. The army generals committed the genocide — and that still continues — must be punished.