Swedish envoy says: Rohingya solution lies within Myanmar


bdnews24.com :Sweden also recognises that the best solution to Rohingya refugees lies in Myanmar government creating a condition for the community to live “peacefully” in their own country.”This is one of the tragic and unresolved problems,” Swedish Ambassador in Dhaka Johan Frisell said while speaking on his country’s foreign policy in Europe and Asia on Monday.”If the conditions were much better, not only would the remaining Rohyinga population stay (in Myanmar), that it could also conduce conditions for those in Bangladesh to return,” he said, replying a question.Thousands of Rohingya population fled sectarian violence in Myanmar and took shelter in Bangladesh over the decades. Myanmar authorities later denied their citizenship.International community, particularly the US and the UN, however, acknowledged that they were indeed Myanmar nationals.”We all know the best solution is government of Myanmar creates condition for this group to live peacefully in their own country,” the ambassador said.He, however, did not see any solution through a third country resettlement.”The global resettlement scheme is too short to accommodate the large number of Myanmar nationals,” Frisell said.He said vast majority were living in Bangladesh as informal migrants as they had not been given the refugee status.”It is necessary to recognise them as refugee for their full integration to the global system of repatriation,” the ambassador said.He was speaking at the Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS) in Dhaka as part of its ‘country-lecture series’ where ambassadors speak about their engagement with Bangladesh.
