Rohingya leader Mohib Ulla’s killers must be brought to justice


Unidentified assailants shot dead Mohib Ullah, top Rohingya leader and chairman of the Arakan Rohingya Society for Peace and Human Rights (ARSPH), at a camp in Cox’s Bazar on Wednesday evening. Media reports, quoting multiple intelligence sources, said several active criminal and terrorist organisations have been operating there from two hideouts in the hills next to Kutupalong camp and they have a stock of heavy weapons. But ordinary Rohingyas at the camps often stay silent on criminal activities out of fear that they may cause harm. According to police, around six major extremist groups have been engaged in abduction, extortion, and drug trafficking in the area for a long time by holding the Rohingyas hostage at different camps. Police arrested one suspect on Friday and two others on Saturday as they went into hiding after the murder. Mohib Ullah came to the spotlight in 2019 when he was invited to the White House to speak to the UN Human Rights Council when he voiced concerns over the persecution of Rohingyas Muslims in Myanmar. In 2017, he was heading ARSPH when around 750,000 Rohingyas fled to Cox’s Bazar to avoid army persecution in the Rakhine State of Myanmar.
It may be noted that Mohib Ullah organised a mass rally attended by nearly 200,000 Rohingya at Kutupalong, the main refugee camp in 2019, marking the second anniversary of the community’s arrival in Bangladesh. He had been working with the UN and the Bangladesh government for peaceful and dignified repatriation of the Rohingyas to Myanmar. Earlier, a vested quarter gave him life threats several times. No group yet claimed responsibility. But many accuse members of the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) for this. However, ARSA has demanded accountability for Mohibullah’s killing, saying it was “shocked and saddened” by his death. Amnesty International, a statement, said the “onus is now on the Bangladeshi authorities to expedite an investigation” into the murder and bring all suspects to justice. Bangladesh assured that the perpetrators will be brought to justice. No one will be spared. Undeniably, Mohib Ullah, a vital voice for the Rohingyas, was killed to suppress his humanitarian voice.
Human rights organisations at home an abroad were deeply shocked at the killing of Mohib Ullah and immediately came up with statements demanding proper and full investigation of the murder to punish those who are found responsible. The United Nations and the United States were particularly shocked as the man worked to uphold the rights of the Rohingyas and their return to their ancestral homes in the Rakhine State of Myanmar. We want proper investigation into the murder and punishment of the killers.
