Rohingya Issue Gaining Int’l Support In Favour Of Bangladesh


Md. Muzibur Rahman :
The atrocities committed by the Myanmar military by killing, raping, slaughtering, torturing the Rohingya Muslims are known to all. The pictures, photographs, videos of such crimes against Rohingya Muslims shown by different media including social media are the proofs. They fired, destroyed their houses, crops, their ownership of land. Their atrocities are unlimited, inhuman and violations of international order, peace and tranquility. They pushed about 1.2 million Rohingyas into Bangladesh territory by the name of ethnic cleanings destroying humanity, nationhood & brotherhood. They fired houses, looted households, snatched the land & crops from the minority Muslims. They have created instability, made fear, chaos & disorders in the areas& pushed them outside of Myanmar. They are blaming that Rohingya Muslims are not the nationals of Myanmar and they are outsiders which were pushed into Myanmar. But the realities are that these Rohingyas are the nationals of Myanmar.
These 1.2 million Rohingas are the burden for Bangladesh. Bangladesh is a small country with densely populated area. The intrusions of these Rohingyas into Bangladesh have big effects on its socio-economic, cultural and climate environment. Bangladesh is a peace-loving country which always wants all type of disputes and problems will be solved in peaceful manners with neighboring countries. Bangladesh has solved maritime disputes with India and Myanmar in a peaceful manner. Bangladesh has also resolved land boundary with India. It believes in peace, tranquility, stability of all the countries in the world. Its foreign policy is ethical, praiseable and coincides with world orders. Main theme of Bangladesh’s foreign policy is “friends with all, foes to none.” Bangladesh has taken initiatives several times to solve the Rohingya crisis with Myanmar diplomatically and had several bilateral talks with Myanmar but unfortunately the crisis is not solved yet for chronic noncooperation of Myanmar authority.
This noncooperation of Myanmar creates delay in repatriationing of the Rohinga Muslims. Discussions though are continuing to settle the matter but no green light of solution has seen yet. That is why; it causes psychological pressure and uncertainty of repatriation of Rohingyas from Bangladesh to Myanmar. When the atrocities started in the August month of 2017, the world communities especially the OIC countries, members of European countries, USA, UN, Human Right Commissions and other concerned took several initiatives to resolve the issue but they did not proceed further because of non-cooperation of Myanmar. Recently Gambia has lodged a case in the International Court of Justice in The Hague of the Netherlands to stop genocide and inhumanities on Rohinga Muslims. Gambia’s Justice Minister Abubacarr Tambadouis is advocating in favor of Rohingya Muslim minority in this case. He is strongly appealing to the judges of IJC to stop this genocide.
In his quote he said, “I have visited the refugee camp at Cox’s Bazar myself and interacted with many of the refugees who recounted their stories to me. Now, I have had previous experience interacting with surviving victims of genocide, in particular the 1994 Rwandan genocide. I have spent almost a decade and a half as a prosecutor at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, and when I heard the stories being recounted by the witnesses, I noticed there were striking similarities – not only in the fact that there is a process of historical dehumanization that has occurred in Myanmar against the Rohingyas, but also the fact that Myanmar authorities had engaged in systematic and organized operations which targeted Rohingyas, targeted women. Terrible, horrendous sexual violence crimes have been documented, targeted children, in some instances burnt alive in their homes or places of worship. Men are being arrested – unarmed, defenseless men being arrested and summarily executed.”
He produced in the IJC court several documents of genocide, atrocities, killings, raping in the Myanmar. He appealed to stop genocide and inhumanities of Rohingya Muslims minority in Myanmar, a peaceful solution of this crisis and respectful repatriation of them. He argued that it is not only for the humanitarian cause but also to protect the rights of the minorities in the world and maintaining regional and international peace and order. Several organizations, human rights activists have protested with play cards against Myanmar.
The Nobel Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi who is also the state councilor of Myanmar was defending in favor of genocide, atrocities of Myanmar to the Rohingyas which puzzled and amazed to the peace loving civilized peoples and countries in the world. Her stand in this cause is against the humanity, justice to the minority and peace process to the neighbours and the world and regional harmony. In the meantime, the Canada and Netherland have agreed to stand beside the Rohingya’s universal rights and an amicable solution of this crisis and promised to cooperate with legal help in this matter.
Other peace loving countries in the world and people are commenting, demanding and appealing to solve the sensitive crisis in a just manner. In these days, the supports of peace loving people and nations are increasing in favor of Rohingya Muslims minority who are the victims of genocide, rape and other atrocities done to them. We hope that all the nations of the world will be in one opinion against any genocide, violations of international peace, tranquilities and harmonies among the people and nations as a whole.
(Md. MuziburRahman, writes on development & economics issues; e-mail: [email protected])
