Rohingya issue and security of Bangladesh


Professor Dr. Md. Iqbal Hossain :
Two reverse news published in the daily newspapers about Rohingyas, as a conscious citizen, making us human being on one hand, while fearing future security of the country. Every day, like animals, people are being killed in Arakan, Myanmar and the unclaimed bodies of people are roaming around the Naf River. As a human being, the view of the scene is astonishingly horror. Today no news is seen on TV or can not be seen on any site of social media, only the dead bodies of people especially women torture images are coming in front of us vigorously. We need to protest it.
Bangladesh has given shelter to Rohingyas due to humanitarian reasons, although Bangladesh is bearing the burden of huge population. Is Bangladesh showing wrong attitude by providing them shelter? All of us, including the world’s powerful countries have just requested to open the border of Bangladesh for them. But the Burmes autocrat authorities were expostulate to protect hundreds years resident Arakani Rohingyas. Now a day’s we are hearing that the reason behind supporting this genocide of Burmese government involves local and international economic relations with other countries. For the sake of business interest, the Indian Prime Minister visited Rangoon and supported the Myanmar government’s Arakan policy. From the early beginning, China has been supporting Myanmar blindly. How the world is digesting and avoiding these mass killings, we are witnessing as a citizen of Bangladesh.
Another sad and horrifying aspect of the Rohingyas repression is going on in the name of Buddhism by some inhuman Buddhist although Buddhism known as a peace-loving religion in the world. They are also following the road of other religious fanatics. Although I believe these killings and Buddhism are not the same. By breaking the name of Buddhism, some Buddhist religious opportunists are carrying out these massacres for their own benefits. Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi (!) became one of the key fanatics in this ongoing genocide at Arakan against Rohingyas. Hamid Dabashi is the Hagop Kevorkian Professor of Iranian Studies and Comparative Literature at Columbia University wrote in his column “There are no more villages left, none at all. The accounts of the systematic ethnic cleansing of Muslims in Myanmar, now effectively ruled by the world renowned Nobel Peace Prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, are finally making it to the mainline news these days. “There are no more people left, either. It is all gone.” so Aung San Suu Kyi does not deserve the Nobel Peace Prize because she a person so blatantly affiliated with genocide should not carry the title “Nobel Peace Prize laureate”.
Rangoon has repeatedly said that there is no headache for millions of refugees who have entered Bangladesh. Burmese are condemned because of all these inhuman behavior and activities, but they do not seem to have their shame and humanity. Persecution of women in Arakan reminds us the oppression of Pakistani invaders during liberation war in 1971. It is wondering to us, how does India and China sympathetically support the persecutor Myanmar’s principle? The Myanmar government has right to take action to control the allegations of terrorist attacks in Arakan, but is this the way of controlling terrorists attacks by killing so many people, apparently genocide? The world remains silent in the face of the massacre of Rohingyas.
Bangladesh is doing much for Rohingyas but is Bangladesh accurately representing in the world’s communities her stands on Rohingyas? This is highly questionable. If India and China tolerate the massacre of Myanmar for their business interests, then Bangladesh can show it’s generosity to bring stability to the Seven Sisters in East India. Are the commercial interests of China and India’s not in Bangladesh? I think Myanmar is planning to send hundred thousand Rohingyas in Bangladesh time to time. Suppose sending hundred thousand and returning one thousand after dialogue, rest of them are staying in Bangladesh. In this way, they have made the final decision to free Arakan from the Rohingyas.
If the Myanmar’s Govt. had the intention to overthrow terrorists or the Rohingya terrorists’, then they would not send such violence to the people in Bangladesh. There are many ways to get rid of terrorists. If needed, joint operation with Bangladesh could have been conducted or UN cooperation could have been taken. Then why is the genocide? These humanitarian disasters could be Myanmar’s official decisions but Bangladesh is now facing socio-economic and security risk.
Many people lose their mental powers to read and see the news of this genocide in magazines and social media. Those who are concerned about Bangladesh are concerned about the present and future security and stability of this country. Density of population in Bangladesh is alarming in the survey of local and foreign organizations. It does not have the ability to carry extra pressure. For the last four decades, the human pressure on the Rohingyas has left Bangladesh out of it; but now not able to bring eight lakh refugees pressure. Britain is forced to make a difficult decision to leave the European Union without being able to take the pressure of six hundred illegal immigrants even though Great Britain is one of the largest economies in the world. The Brexit process basically started from this. In that case, Bangladesh is far behind basis of economic direction.
Rohingya crisis has created Security and environment threat in eastern part of Bangladesh and it is gradually deteriorating as per news. Humanitarian application must be protected, but in the future, the overall safety of Bangladesh is to be thought of by the administration. Rohingya’s past record and behavior with the administration is not very pleasant. Many times their militant connections came in the news papers.
Many Jordanians complain that Palestinian refugees are sitting on their necks now in Jordan and they are now riding on their necks. Jordanian general said to me about that. Now news came in the newspapers that incoming Rohingya people are mixing with the whole country including Chittagong. It is not desirable in any way. I believe government will take necessary action for the the better of the country. Government should now fix a place for them by setting a specific area. There should be strict surveillance in that area so that they cannot scatter. To accommodate them, transferable tents should be arranged. Effective action will be taken to restore the mentality of children and women. The diplomacy to strengthen the international community has to be strengthened. The government will have to make more efforts to get more information about this. As India and China are our friends, I believe both of these countries in Myanmar can get the most effective results if they can work confidently.

(The writer teaches in Islamic University, Kushtia, [email protected])
