Rohingya infants facing various problems


A Correspondent :

The Rohingya who are oppressed by the Mayanmar Army are facing multifarious problem including life risk, inadequate food and living places.
But in the recent times, thousand of Rohingya women are giving birth child due to the forcing illicit relationship by Mayanmar Army.
According a data of UNICEF, some 35,000 new born babies do not know the existence of father. Apart from this, some 20,000 mothers are pregnant for the rape incidents by the Mayanmar army.
Only a few miles away from the scenic beaches of Cox’s Bazaar namely Ukhia, a concentrated campground for Rohingya Refugees, now synonymous with the utmost plight of human suffering, a direct result of state ordered systematic genocide of muslim minorities in Myanmar. Amongst the fear stricken faces of the campground refugees, bearing the dread of death and agony lies those of Rohingya infants.
Severely malnourished, disease prone, feeble and helpless, these beautiful babies with their wandering eyes can only wonder why they were born into this bitter reality. These infants are living through horrors which many of us will never experience in our lifetime. Over 35 thousand 0-2 year olds and 25 thousand pregnant female are facing severe problem for proper nutrition and maternal healthcare.
Moreover, the overcrowded and unhygienic conditions make ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes carrying fatal diseases like dengue, chikinguniya and malaria and uumanitarian aid focusing on various critical issues have unfortunately fallen short in addressing the unheard cries of Rohingya infants.
Meanwhile, University of Calgary graduate FatinIshraque has set an example amongst other groups and organisations who haven’t previously focused their efforts on infants.
He donated Tk 3 Lac which was earned from his summer studenship While passing a short visit in Bangladesh.
He donated high quality powdered milk and supplements for infants 0-6 months of age and 6 month-2 years of age, mosquito nets to prevent outbreaks of parasitic diseases and oral saline to counter diarrhea. Visiting this area, he also educated the families about the proper use of hygiene and healthcare products.
In a two -day campaign, he was able to provide such facilities to hundreds of Rohingya families for infants.
He said, “We were only able to donate to a couple of hundred families out of a possible 92 thousand potential households, however I was inspired by a lot of amazing people and organizations making a concerted effort to help make a difference, sometimes a spark of humanity can ignite a movement for hope and survival. These infants might not be able to talk but their eyes told their stories, this was an incredibly emotional journey for me”
We are grateful to institutions like University of Calgary and Alberta children’s hospital for grooming individuals like Ishraque, reflective of a younger generation taking active interest in community healthcare and making a difference in our society.
He urged all people as well as the international community to help the Rohingya’s so that they can relief from such agonies.
