Robust Tiger census in Sundarbans in Oct

UNB, Dhaka :
The government will launch an integrated tiger census in the Sundarbans in October next to ascertain the authentic number of Bengal tigers, says a senior forest official.
“A robust tiger survey will begin to pinpoint the tiger population of the Sundarbans in October next,” Chief Conservator of Forests M Yunus Ali told the launching ceremony of a two-year National Tiger Awareness Campaign in the capital on Thursday.
He said, the 2015 tiger census was conducted through camera trapping, covering only 31 percent area of the mangrove forest, but the upcoming census will be carried out covering almost all parts of
the Sundarbans following more scientific method in counting tigers. Yunus Ali said the Forest Department has already conducted canal and land surveys in the Sundarbans.
Environment and Forests Secretary Dr Kamal Uddin Ahmed, US Ambassador in Dhaka Marcia Bernicat and USAID Mission Director Janina Jaruzelski formally launched the campaign at Krishibid Institution auditorium. They also took part in a discussion titled, ‘Tiger Talk’.
The National Tiger Awareness Campaign was launched to raise mass awareness about the conservation of critically endangered Bengal tigers and the Sundarbans. With the theme, ‘Tiger is our pride- We shall Protect Tiger’, the national campaign engages general people, young generation, communities, policymakers, partners and stakeholders to forge a strong national commitment, and translate this into actions to support tiger conservation.