Robi starts e-registration

Business Desk :
Mobile phone operator Robi has started the Electronic Telecom Subscriber Acquisition Form (ETSAF) based paperless e-registration process from September 1 following the directive of telecom regulator.
The registration process certainly marks yet another milestone in the country’s journey towards implementing the Digital Bangladesh vision, said a press release on Thursday.
Robi welcomed the great initiative taken by the government while many countries around the world are still contemplating on how to use digital ID for citizens to establish their relationship with the administration mechanism, but Bangladesh with the successful implementation of the paperless e-registration process has taken a commendable lead in this regard.
Robi feels the new process has been streamlined with the touch of digitalization. “Initially, our subscribers will enjoy the benefits of the new process while purchasing new SIM and for replacing their existing SIM.
Other services like change of SIM ownership, mobile number portability will be done through e-registration process gradually,” it added.
Customers will be required to provide four basic information: NID number, full name, present address, date of birth, and biometric finger print to complete the e-registration process. The new process does not require the customers to submit photocopy of NID and photographs like before.