Robber killed in gunfight

UNB, Chittagong :
A suspected robber was killed in a reported gunfight with members of Rapid Action Battalion (Rab) in Boro Kumira bridge area of Sitakundu upazila early Friday.
The deceased could not be identified immediately. Mimtanur Rahman, assistant director (media) of Rab-7, said that a gang of robbers swooped on a vehicle carrying a wedding party around 3am and looted valuables and money from them.
Being informed by the
bridegroom, a patrol team of Rab went to the spot. Sensing the presence of the elite force, the robbers opened fire on them, prompting them to retaliate, triggering the gunfight.
At one stage, the gang members fled away leaving the valuables. Later, the Rab member recovered the body from the spot.