Robber arrested in port city

Chattogram Bureau :
Police has arrested robber Nurul Alam Prokash on Saturday night from Pahartoli of Chattogram.
Robber Nurul alam was accused of theft, robbery and snatching in different areas of Chattogram.
He is son of Abul Kashem from Toichala Para of Ramgar. Sources of police said, he is a member of a notorious robbery team. He was involved in all the recent robbery in the district. He injured three during a robbery at Purbo Chopwdhury Para in Chattogram.
On Saturday night, police arrested him from North Kattoli area of Pahartoli of Chattogram.Police has recovered around Tk 33 lakh valued jewellery.
Ramgar Police Station acting OC Tarek Mohammad Abdul Hannan said police has identified the robber syndicate and arrested all the key members. Police will continue arresting rest of the members.