Road mishap hurts 34

Chittagong Bureau :
A tragic road accident occurred in the port city yesterday left 34 persons injured. The tragic road mishap occurred near Chittagong customs house in the city under Bandar thana in the city last morning.
Among the injured persons 25 were admitted to Chittagong Medical College Hospital (CMCH) withcritical conditions and the rest were admitted to different private clinics, police sorces said The conditions of two unidentified bus passengers are stated to be critical, hospital source said.
Police said the accident occurred when a Chittagong export processing zone bound staff bus of Hongkong Denim Mill . Limited knocked a rider and a microbus in Custom Bridge area of Bandar thana at 8 am yesterday.
 Locals and police rescued the injured persons and sent them to the different hospitals. Police with the help of locals rescued the vehicles but its drivers and helpers escaped after the accident.
