RMG workers demonstrate for Eid bonus, arrears in Dhaka, Narayanganj amid lockdown

Vandalise two cars, including one belonging to the District Civil Surgeon

Garment workers block road at Shyamoli in Dhaka on Tuesday, demanding payment of arrear salaries and Eid bonus.
Garment workers block road at Shyamoli in Dhaka on Tuesday, demanding payment of arrear salaries and Eid bonus.

Staff Reporter :
Several hundred workers of a readymade garment manufacturer on Tuesday demonstrated in front of their factory in Dhaka’s Kafrul and Narayanganj Sadar upazila to demand full payment of salaries and Eid-ul-Fitr bonunes for the current month amid the ongoing coronavirus shutdown.
Workers of Opex Group poured out onto the streets joined by workers from other factories in the area as they occupied the road stretching from Mirpur 10 to Mirpur 14 in protest from around 7:30 am Tuesday, law enforcers said.
“Thousands of workers were demonstrating for their wages and allowances, making the road completely impassable,” said Kafrul Police Inspector Jahanur.
Asked about the matter, Monirul Alam Shuvo, Chairman of BGMEA’s PR standing committee, said they were aware that workers of Opex Group’s factory had taken to the streets in protest.
“We still don’t know if they have been joined by workers from any other factory. There’s a lot of misunderstanding about wages and bonuses in many quarters. Workers are protesting too.” “The demonstrations are mainly led by workers of Opex Group. They have been joined by workers from a few other factories. We’ve also received information that the protesters hurled brickbats at some factories,” said Additional Deputy Commissioner Mizanur Rahman. Businessman Anisur Rahman Sinha is currently overseeing Opex Group’s operations as its managing director. Apart from Mirpur 13, the group also has garment manufacturing units in Narayanganj’s Kanchpur, Shiddhirganj and Savar’s Ashulia.
The factory authority had earlier held a meeting with government officials and workers’ representatives in which they agreed to pay the salaries for May within the first week of June, said a BGMEA official, asking not to be named.
They also decided to give the workers a three-day holiday to limit their travels during Eid-ul-Fitr and pay them half of their bonuses immediately with the remainder to be paid later, depending on the company’s financial position.
“Previously, it was decided that the factory would also pay its absent workers 60 percent of their wages for April. As far as I know, most garment factories have cleared their salaries for April. But now the problem lies with the payment of wages and bonuses in May,” the anonymous official said.
Most factories are paying 50 percent of the bonuses but there are a few that have paid their workers in full, he added.
On the other hand, workers of Fakir Knitwear Ltd in Kayampur area also allegedly vandalised two cars belonging to the civil surgeon and another of the upazila health and family planning officer during demonstrations, Shaikat Shahin, Superintendent of Narayanganj Industrial Police-4, said.
The two officials had come to inspect the health safety measures taken at the factory.
The workers began the demonstration when they were told that they would be given 50 percent of Eid bonus and salary for the current month, the police official said.
On information, a team of police rushed to the spot and brought the situation under control after convincing factory authorities to pay full bonuses and 50 percent of the salaries,he said.
 Narayanganj Civil Surgeon Dr Md Imtiaz said, as six workers of the factory had tested positive for coronavirus, he along with the health and family planning officer came to inspect the factory in line with the health ministry’s directives.
At one point, the demonstrating workers vandalised the cars possibly thinking those belonged to the factory owner, Imtiaz said.
“We failed to inspect the factory due to the attack. We will file a case with Fatullah Police Station in this connection,” he said.
The factory authority could not be reached for comments despite attempts.
