RMCH intern doctors on indefinite strike

Staff Reporter, Rangpur :
The intern doctors have called for an indefinite strike over an argument with the staff of Rangpur Medical College (RAMEC) Hospital. The strike began at the hospital on Friday (December 25th) morning. Most intern doctors are on strike.
The patients who came for treatment are in extreme distress.It is learned that on Thursday (December 24) at around 2 pm, a fourth class employee of the 36th ward of the cardiology department of the hospital Shahidul Islam, Assistant Registrar Dr. Go to Habib. At this time Dr. As Habib was busy, he told her to go to the intern doctor. Shahidul went to the intern doctor of that ward and gave the clearance.
When the on-duty intern doctor also informed about his busy schedule, there was a quarrel between the two. Due to this, the angry intern doctors of the cardiology department called a strike. Later the intern doctors of other wards also joined the program.
Meanwhile, the strike called for trivial incidents has increased the suffering of the patients. Corona on the one hand and the outbreak of cold-related diseases on the other, the relatives who came with the patients think that it was not right to call such a strike at this time.Salma Begum, wife of Majed Miah, who was admitted to the cardiology department, said that the shortage of medical manpower and medicines and rapid treatment of dying patients did not match in this department.
He is on strike now. The trouble is with our helpless people.At the strike, the president of the Council of Internal Medicine. “We did not want to strike,” said Sanaul Huda Riyadh. All of us are forced to go on strike.
The way our intern doctors are being intimidated and intimidated by fourth grade employees. With this we are suffering from insecurity. The strike will continue until the hospital authorities resolve the incident.In this regard, the acting director of Romek Hospital. Rostam Ali said the intern doctors had started the strike without discussion. I called them. Necessary steps will be taken to discuss this.
