Rly workers go berserk

A Correspondent :
A section of workers of the Bangladesh Railway suddenly become agitated and ransacked the Chittagong Railway Station on Friday night.
Departure of several trains had been delayed due to anarchy created by the ruling party workers group of Railway on Friday night.
According to Railway sources, a group of railway shramik league went to Banderban on a picnic tour on Friday last.
According to Banderban district administration sources, the picnicking workers became drunk and behaved obscene to other picnickers at Banderban.
So, the Banderban district administration compelled them to leave the spot.
When they had arrived in Chittagong Railway station at about 7 pm. they became agitated and damaged the glasses and ticket boxes of the station. The agitation had continued till 11 pm.
The agitated workers also barricaded the movement of several trains from Chittagong to other destinations from 7 pm to 11pm.
But later on at about 11 pm, the senior officials of the railway resolved the crisis and the movement of trains resumed normally.
But no case has so far been registered in this connection.