Rizvi for developing management professionals


Prime Minister’s International Affairs Adviser Dr Gowher Rizvi has underscored the need for constitution of a joint taskforce with entrepreneurs and experts from public and private sectors to draw a strategy for developing management professionals in the country.
“A joint taskforce could be formed to find out a way on how management professionals can be developed in the country through training and education as we have shortage of such professionals in industrial and business sectors,” Rizvi said while speaking at a discussion meeting here on Wednesday.
Bangladesh Employers’ Federation (BEF) and Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), civil society think-tank, jointly organized the discussion on “Capacity Building of Management Professionals: Way Forward for Bangladesh”.
BEF president Salauddin Quashem Khan moderated the discussion meeting while Prof. Muhammad Abul Moin of Organization Strategy and Leadership Department of Dhaka University, Khurshid Alam of UNDP, distinguished fellow of CPD Dr Mustafizur Rahman, Farooq Sobhan of Bangladesh Enterprise Institute, BEF vice-president and British America Tobacco chairman Golam Mainuddin, Safi R. Khan of Apex Footwear Mohammad Atwar Rahman of Bangladesh Institute of Management and Dr Arif Dowla of ACI Limited, among others, took part in the discussion.
CPD’s research director Khondaker Golam Moazzem presented the keynote paper.
Gowher Rizvi said management professionals must have managerial and leadership capacity but there is shortage of such professionals in the country. For this reason, foreign management professionals are now working in garment and other sectors of Bangladesh, he added.
He said only textbook-based knowledge is not enough for building capacity of management professionals. They need a workplace where there will be a scope for them to develop capacity, he said.
