Rivers to be freed from illegal occupation


Water Resource Minister Zahid Faruk said all the rivers will be freed from illegal occupation as the present government is committed to make rivers free from grabbing. “We have taken all-possible measures to recover the rivers in phases,” he said this on Monday while talking to the newsmen after visiting different sites belongs to the project “Rubber Dam Construction and River Dredging in Mohananda” in Chapainawabganj district.
The state minister said works of the rubber dam project will begin in full-swing within a shortest possible time to enrich the surface water resources for irrigation purposes.
He said the Taka 159.97-crore mega project has been adopted for constructing a rubber dam across Mohananda River for bringing back its navigability.
In addition to construction of the dam, 36.05-kilometer river area will be brought under capital dredging. More than 7,500 hectares of land could be brought under irrigation upon successful implementation of the project titled “Rubber Dam Construction and River Dredging in Mohananda”.
