Rising water in River Teesta Hundreds of families in Dimla fearmass erosion


Our Correspondent :

The upstream slope of the river Teesta flowed just 3 cm below the danger line at Dalia Point last week. The embankment of Khagakharibari union of Dimlaupazila of Nilphamari is under threat due to rising water of Teesta River. Residents of Dohalpara and Pagalpara villages are terrified of the breach of the dam. The people of Teesta Basin fear that if they do not take immediate steps to prevent erosion, the settlements and lands will be washed away.
Khagakharibari Union Parishad Chairman Rabiul Islam Lithon said that some parts of the dam broke about 100 meters on Tuesday, 29June, and 2021 at noon. According to locals, a week ago, the embankment collapsed due to rising water level in the River Teesta. After a day or two, when the water starts to recede, the severity of the rupture increases.
Locals Jamal Uddin, 65, and Abu Taleb, 48 said it had been almost a week since the demolition, but no one had inquired or even visited. At present, the dam has broken in several places and a hundred feet of the river has disappeared in one part. We are spending our days in terror. As the river rises, hundreds of families in the area will be inundated, the Basat Vita River will be submerged and thousands of acres of crops will be destroyed. Many have already left their homes and taken refuge in high places and close relatives. Necessary steps need to be taken to protect the dam too fast.
Rabiul Islam Lithon, chairman of Khagakharibari Union Parishad of DimlaUpazila, said the dam was constructed in 2014 under the CDMP project. No further repairs were made to the dam, which is partially broken down each year. For now, we are working to protect the erosion with bamboo and sand locally. The cooperation of the Water Development Board is especially needed. I am repeatedly informing the concerned authorities on my mobile phone to take steps to protect the dam.
Dimla Upazila UNO Jayshree Rani Roy said, “Knowing the matter, I have asked the chairman of the union to visit the spot and give details. Necessary steps will be taken soon after talking to the concerned authorities.”
Abdullah Al Mamun, executive engineer of the Dahlia Division of the Water Development Board, said a sub-divisional engineer was sent there today after learning of the matter. According to the monitoring report, necessary steps will be taken to protect the dam.
