Rising crimes in city

NEWS report in a national daily on Friday said that the law and order situation in the capital is reported to have nosedived as more than 60 killings and thousands of other crimes took place in the city over the past three months sending panic signals to the city dwellers. But the most alarming point is that as the news report said the Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) even does not regularly hold its monthly crime review meeting to discuss the situation and tighten its belt on the gang of criminals who are making the city life critically unsafe. This is highly disappointing news to show that police may be otherwise busy to handle the political situation while largely leaving the city life unsafe to gang of criminals. We must say this should not be the case and police must give first priority to public safety before anything else.
Residents blamed killings, robberies and thefts are on alarming rise. Incidence of killings takes place almost everyday at victims’ homes, business firms and even in public presence as crime gangs and vengeance seekers carry out the dreaded acts defying the law enforcers’ presence as a very little obstacle on their way. Reports said gangs of hardened criminals flee the scenes after committing crimes one after another. Police failed to arrest them and often end up filing cases without further progress to nab the criminals. Even most cases go unreported. In many cases criminals are close to ruling party men and enjoy protection from being chased by police while they commit yet another crime. Report said even an on duty Ansar personnel was killed few days back by miscreants at city’s T&T Colony gate in Moghbazar area. The bullet-hit body of a young man was found on Turag riverbank in the city on the other day. A series of daring robberies was committed at four houses in a single night in Uttara model town while the robbers are yet to be arrested. Snatchers took away Tk 125,000 from a businessman on the other day exploding cocktails in broad daylight in the city’s Gulistan area. In yet another gruesome incident on Wednesday morning, extortionists killed a businessman at gunpoint in the city. Moreover incident of extortions over telephone is a regular phenomenon. Harassment to women is a common matter among as many other city crimes. The rise in crimes in the city is reportedly breaking all previous records.
The report quoted DMP sources as saying that at least 60 killings took place in the capital in the last three month and most killers went into hiding after doing the crimes. Thousands of robbery and snatching incidents were also committed; over 50 incidents of abduction also took place during this period. It is a common knowledge that criminals often come out from jail on bail but their bail information was not sent to local police stations to keep them on watch. In some other cases criminals also maintain contact with some law enforcers, enjoy protection and share benefits with them.
We ask the DMP authorities to tighten their watch on the city crime gangs and do the best to give protection to city dwellers without wasting time otherwise. Police must protect people, this is their coveted job.