Rise in parents killing their children is disturbing

BANGLADESH is now witnessing probably the worst time for children to grow up as an increasing number of kids are often being killed by their parents; though the parents are supposed to protect their children. Why it is happening is a big question. Citing Bangladesh Shisu Adhikar Forum (BSAF) a national daily reported on Friday that rogue parents killed 11 children in 2014. The figure rose to 40 in 2015 and 64 last year. Before 2014 some isolated incidents like these used to take place. A rapid rise of such deaths is taking place over the past years and hitting an alarming level.
We agree with psychologists, criminologists and experts that strained relationship between husbands and wives, frustration, financial constraints and other grievances related to family and society lead to an extreme psychological break down when parents take to such killing. Their sense does not work. But it can’t be the case as it is also difficult for elders and relatives to keep track of family discord.
The latest such incident happened on Wednesday in the capital’s Darussalam area, when a young mother allegedly killed her two children, aged only three and five, and then killed herself. On last December 12 a young wife (23) of an expatriate husband committed suicide after killing her son (4) and daughter (8) in West Ukilpara of Feni district. She took poison after strangulating her children with a cable over a family feud. On February 29 last year an elder sister (14) and her younger brother (6) were found dead in their Banasree apartment in the city. Their mother later confessed she had killed her children being disappointed by their poor school examination results.
There is a general perception that a person does not commit suicide or kill loved one over a single incident. It actually happens after continued quarrels and family feud. It erodes patience, changes mindset as emotion overpowers them to resort to cruelty. So family quarrels should not be left unattended over a longer time.
In our view where a strong family bond works such incidents may be watched closely and reasons can be removed. Lawlessness in public life has created cruelty everywhere. We must make our society where reason prevails and violence is prevented.
